Golrang Pharmaceutical Investment(GPI) Human Capital Report

Commissioning Hazardous Medications Production Line by the end of March 2023

Faran Shimi knowledge-based company, a pioneer in manufacturing API, drug abuse, and addiction rehabilitation products, is trying to commission its hazardous medications production line by the end of March 2023.

“Faran Shimi, the first established company in the holding, has been pioneering producing APIs and end products in analgesic and addiction rehabilitation area,” Mr. Molayi, an engineer and CEO of Faran Shimi, told GPI’s PR unit. “Faran Shimi was the first to produce and market three APIs:   bosentan monohydrate, oxycodone hydrochloride. and buprenorphine hydrochloride.”

“We are currently the main supplier of Buprenorphine, an active ingredient, to the other medication manufacturers. Besides addiction rehabilitation medications, our product portfolio includes thirty-six medications in analgesic, respiratory, neurological, digestive system, heart, common cold, diabetes, kidney, and complementary medications areas,” He added.

“To honor our social commitments and to emphasize our patient-centered approach in healthcare, we set up a ‘Faran+’ healthcare system that keeps patients accompany from getting the medication to complete recovery.” Announcing the full commissioning and utilization of the hazardous medications production line the end of March 2023, Mr. Molayi also plans to turn his company into of the top ten pharmaceutical companies in the world in narcotic products by 2025.

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