As reported by the Public Relations of Golrang Pharmaceutical Investment Company, during this event, Dr. Mehdi Narimani, the current Deputy of Human Resources and Management Development of Golrang Pharmaceutical Group, was introduced as Faran Pharmed’s new supervisor while acknowledging and thanking Dr. Parsasirat for his efforts in this position.
This event was attended by Mr. Valinejad, the Deputy of Finance and Economics of Golrang Pharmaceutical Group, and Mr. Moulai, the Managing Director of Faran Shimi Pharmaceutical Company.
With a Ph.D. in management from Tehran University, Mr. Mehdi Narimani has gained significant management experience in Iran’s scientific and technological establishments.
In addition, Dr. Parsassirt will serve as the advisor of the Managing Director of Golrang Pharmaceutical Group in distribution affairs.
Faran Pharmed was founded in 2019 to provide natural medicines and nutritional supplements that meet the highest standards and quality. The company currently produces a wide range of natural medicines and nutritional supplements that meet the most recent requirements and guidelines in Iran and Europe as well as state-of-the-art knowledge in this field.
The Public Relations of Golrang Pharmaceutical Investment Company congratulates Dr. Narimani for his new position and also wishes Dr. Parsasirat days of progress and excellence.