Golrang Pharmaceutical Investment(GPI) Human Capital Report

Developing Necessary Technical Knowledge to Manufacture APIs Needed by the Iranian Pharmaceutical Industry

 Soroush Mana Pharmed Company CEO announces that the company targets gaining Technical Knowledge to Manufacture APIs, as lack of which currently costs the Iranian Pharmaceutical Industry lots of international currencies.

The company CEO told GPI’s PR unit: “Our company began manufacturing APIs in 2019. Besides obtaining a first-class knowledge-based rating, we have been granted twelve production licenses. We are the sole producer of APIs such as Tetrabenazine (improves movement disorders), Duloxetine (for major depressive disorders), Aripiprazole (for schizophrenia), and a pioneer in manufacturing MVK and charcoal activated Palladium catalyst (used in API synthesis) in Iran.” Dr. Behnoush Salehi added: “Our team thrives on deepening its technical knowledge of manufacturing APIs and synthesizing molecules. These have been imported up to now. That’s a dramatic step toward development, self-sufficiency, reducing APIs costs, and gaining a competitive edge on international manufacturers.”

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