Golrang Pharmaceutical Investment(GPI) Human Capital Report

The foreign students from Tehran University of Medical Sciences visited the facilities of Glolrang Pharmaceutical Group

As per GPI’s PR report, On May 13, 2024, a delegation of foreign students from Tehran University of Medical Sciences, in collaboration with the International Department of the university and Golrang Pharmaceutical Group, paid a visit to the factories of Varian Pharmed, Arian Salamat Sina, and Hita Pharma in the industrial town of Eshtehard. This visit aimed to provide the students with a comprehensive understanding of the different stages involved in the production, quality control, and distribution of pharmaceutical products. The students expressed their appreciation for such visits as they believe it greatly contributes to their scientific knowledge and helps shape their future career paths. Dr. Sheida Mahnam, the international affairs advisor of Glereng Pharmaceutical Investment Company, and experts from the International Department of Tehran University of Medical Sciences accompanied the students during this insightful visit.

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